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Catalogue Page 2

Shrubs A-Z


Acer palmatum 'Beni-maiko'

Delightful form of Japanese Maple,new growth is pinky red which becomes greener with age but still retains red tips to the shoots.Clear red Autumn foliage colour. Arching stems 2-3 metres.

7.5 litre pot  £45



Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'

Japanese Maple. Very striking recent introduction,new growth is orange becoming bright yellow through summer. In Autumn the foliage changes again to orange and bright red shades. Height to 2 metres.
  7.5 litre pot  £45


Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki'

Japanese Maple. Neatly shaped small tree of good vigour.Superb autumn colour,perhaps the best of any tree.Height to 4 metres.


Amicia zygomeris

Fascinating woody based perennial having stipules on the stem veined deep purple-red. The pea-like yellow flowers are borne from late Summer into Autumn. Reasonably frost tolerant but needs a sheltered position in well-drained soil.

2 litre pot £10.00




Anisodonta 'El Rayo'

Tall,uoright half hardy shrub has a profusion of large,rich red flowers over much of the Summer,excellent for colourful height in a border or great as a pot plant.

2 litre pot £10



Arbutus unedo 'Red Grange'

Facinating selection of the well-known evergreen 'Strawberry Tree'. Typical pink/white bell flowers followed by red fruits but the congested glossy foliage gives this plant a unique appearance



Astelia chathamica 'Silver Spear'

Glossy silver sword-shaped leaves are the attraction of this plant,a great accent plant for patio or border.

3 litre pot  £12.50

Berberis valdiviana

Wonderful in flower this evergreen Berberis has a profusion of large pendulous racemes of golden-yellow flowers in spring. Glossy green foliage and a height perhps over 2 metres.

5 litre pot        £14.00


Betula utilis jacquemontii 'Grayswood Ghost'

A naturally occuring variety of Betula utilis,fairly upright,attractively branching growth,the trunk and branches taking on white colouration with maturity.

7.5 litre pot  £35.00


Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight'

'Butterfly Bush'. Long racemes of scented deep purple flowers.Strong growing shrub 2-3 metres.
2 litre pot  £8.50

Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight'

'Butterfly Bush'. Huge racemes of rich pink flowers over a long period in summer.Very eye-catching vigorous shrub 2-3 metres.
2 litre pot  £8.50


Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'

'Butterfly Bush'. Long racemes of scented red flowers over a long period in summer.Vigorous shrub 2-3 metre
2 litre pot  £8.50


Buddleia 'Orange Sceptre'

Very free-flowering over a long period which often extends between Spring and winter,this Buddleia has rich orange flowers against silvery-grey foliage.



Buddleia salviifolia

Perhaps not quite as hardy as the traditional Buddleia davidii types but this is an excellent plant. Grown not only for the long panicles of lilac-mauve flowers in Autumn and early Winter (sometimes flowering into Spring) but also its outstanding silvery-grey evergreen foliage. Choose a reasonably sheltered position or train against a sunny wall or fence.

3 litre pot  £10.00   



Buddleia x weyerana

Interesting Buddleia having racemes of orange flowers over a long period in summer.Vigorous shrub 2-3 metres.
2 litre pot £8.50

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Charleshurst Farm Nursery,
Loxwood Road,
West Sussex.
RH14 0NY.
Tel: 01403 752273  e-mail: